Molson shopping legal notice

Latest version effective date: April 16, 2020

ownership of power

Unless otherwise stated by Molson, all rights (including copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets and other related rights) are owned by Molson. Without the prior permission of Molson, any unauthorized use of the above content and information may infringe the rights of Molson, and we will pursue the legal responsibility of the infringer. If there is any need for publicity, display, etc., please be sure to obtain the prior permission of Molson.

Information restrictions

In order to maintain the normal operation order and efficiency of Molson, without the permission of Molson, no one may self, authorize or assist a third party to scan and/or detect Molson and its systems, such as address scanning, network port scanning, operating system detection, etc. Including the unauthorized acquisition and use of any content in Molson through monitoring, copying, dissemination, display, mirroring, uploading, downloading, etc. through programs or equipment such as robots and spiders.

Limitation of Liability

Given that the information publishing service provided by Molson is of an electronic bulletin board (BBS) nature, the store, product information on Molson (including but not limited to store name, company name, contact person and contact information, product description and description, related pictures, videos) etc.) are provided and uploaded by the user, and the user shall bear the corresponding legal responsibility for the information provided and uploaded. If Molson service providers agree otherwise, they will make it clear with you in relevant agreements or other legal texts.

Molson’s reprinted work (including forum content) is for the purpose of conveying more information, and does not mean that we agree with its views or have confirmed the authenticity of its content.

Intellectual Property Protection

We respect intellectual property rights and oppose and combat intellectual property infringement. If the intellectual property rights holder believes that the Molson content (including but not limited to the product information published by Molson users) infringes their legitimate rights and interests, they can file a complaint through the Molson intellectual property protection platform. The laws and regulations and platform rules will be dealt with in a timely manner.

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